Friday, April 29, 2011

everything was beautiful with XIXAXLIX

my BELOVED second family

XIXAXLIX , yeah it spells not so easy, right? but it means a lot for us :)
guys, I'm just feeling so sad to know that the time has passed so fast and soon we'll be graduated which means we're all will be separated

2 years we spent together will be an irreplaceable memory for us

7k , it was the first place where we're met for each other
we came from different schools
a day passed and of course we still feeling strange
a week passed and we started to know each other better
a month passed and we started to build a good friendship
first year felt kinda there's nothing special

8i, our second class :)
we just realized that there will never be another class like ours
with ms. Jane, we passed everyday happily though sometimes not
I'm so proud to be in AKSEL09 with the best people I've ever known
we did cry, laugh, and almost everything together

9i, our third class
the last year for us to be together
ssssst ( some of us met our loves in a very romantic way in this year )
in this year, we have to prepare ourselves to face the National Exam
we have to be more focus though some of us still thinking to get much fun than the exam

time passed, and finally we passed the exam well, without cheating :)
everything's finally over
graduation day is coming up
but we're all afraid of losing any of us after that
this is might the end of our high school year
but not the end of our friendships :)
though some of us will go to different schools, our hearts will be one and we'll be friends forever

You're all the best thing that's ever been mine
thanks for everything and always being there for me when I'm down
thanks for being a part of my fucking life

goodbye my friends :)
chase everything you want in your life to reach your dreams

by Dinot
with the tears are falling while writing this

Thursday, April 28, 2011

everything about my fucking beautiful love

Let me share what I've got to say this time, it's about someone who means a lot for me, and of course about my special life in the past. let's know what is it about :) 

with you life is so easy, why do I make it hard ?
I come to you now when I need you, but why do I wait to come see you ? I always try to do this on my own, but I was wrong. Can I move on ? it takes a long time to get you out of my mind. 

Just take my hand, fall in love with me again ..
let's run away to the place where love first found us . Please give me this one chance to remind you of everything we have. I won't give up I'm too much in love with you and I want you to know that. So, let's run away from the day and I'll give you everything in this moment and I promise to make everyday just like the day.

I'm so glad I found you

at night when the stars light up my room, I sit by my self talking to the moon. try to get to you in hopes you're on the other side talking to me too. may be it's true that  I'm a fool who sits alone talking to the moon. Now all I can do is staring at the picture in a frame that i hold close to see your face everyday.

I'm gonna miss you first when we're just have graduated. cause no one, I repeat no one can do me the way you do. I really wanna flashback to when you're still loving me ! we passed our days together which actually coloured my days that time. honestly, I felt something was missing without you and nothing could ever replace your presence in my heart. I didn't really know what was controlling my mind until I realized that I was madly in love with you. Why did it have to happennnnnnnn ? 

Actually I've got something to show. wish you know this fucking feeling cause I'm afraid , I have no courageous to show it to you. hopefully you never get mad after reading it.

I just wanna say thanks for everything we've been spent together
spending 51 days with you was a very beautiful thing I've had
being with you all the time was most of the prettiest moment I've ever had
making a relationship with you was the sweetest part in my lifetime

I know that our relationship was over
I know we're just friends now
but I don't have any sense of writing this
I'm just feeling so glad to know you and ever have you

Actually, I wanna let you know what's makes me can't get you out of my mind
but, I realized that you're not mine anymore
even though we're not one, I need you to know that
"I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it"

this fucking feeling makes me can't fall asleep, I just can't stopped thinking of you. I'm still missing you even though I know that you don't miss me at all.

That's all what's in my heart that I've been keeping for so long, and finally I can share it with you all. Please leave comment if you wanna give some arguments of this.

perhaps now all I had to say is goodbye, perhaps we're better of this way. But for sure, I'm still open for you.

that's all for SIMDH

by dinot

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 21st 2011

it was the last day in the school before the National Exam. 

first, we're all (including the principal, teachers, and all of students) were praying together wishing for our success for the Exam.

jangan English terus ya, belom lancar nih .

jadi gini ceritanyaaaaaaaa :) let's read this

saat itu, aku datang seperti biasa (terlambat), ternyata di kelas sudah ada Bu Jane (guru kami tersayang) yang sedang ikut membantu teman-teman membersihkan kelas. Karena ketauan terlambat, aku jadi dikasih hadiah sama Bu Jane, taraaaaaaaaaaa hadiahnya adalah MENGEPEL LANTAI . okeee kuterima dengan senang hati :P

setelah bersih bersih, Bu Jane berpesan agar kami (anak anak aksel 09) turun ke masjid untuk doa bersama. disela waktu yang renggang, aku melihat mediani yang kelihatannya sedang bersedih, aku menghampirinya dan bertanya apa gerangan terjadi (ah bahasanya terlalu gimana gitu, sehari hari aja yaa). nah, ternyata medi lagi ada masalah, kita coba deh cari solusinya bareng bareng (sebagai teman yang baik hal ini adalah wajib untuk membantu teman yang lagi kesulitan). ternyata medi nangis, aku jadi ikutan sedih deeeeeeh :'(

waktu berlalu, akhirnya kami semua turun ke masjid, kami melakukan do'a bersama sebagai persiapan kami menghadapi UN agar kami sukses dan mudah dalam menyelesaikan soal soal UN. setelah sholat dhuha, baca yasin, dan doa doa lainnya, aku tiba tiba sedih, lalu mengangis.teman teman pun bertanya "diny kenapaaa?" dan akhirnya kami semua mengangis tersedu si Masjid An-nur lantai 2. kami saling berpelukan, bermaafan, saling memberi support satu sama lain. Alhamdulillaaaaaah, perasaanku agak lega setelah melepas semua tangis yang selama ini masih terpendam (asik deh).

saat kami turun, ternyata di seberang masjid ada anak anak cowo aksel 09, kami minta maaf juga sama mereka (satu satunya orang yang aku cari untuk minta maaf duluan yaitu ari, hehe soalnya aku banyak salah banget sama dia) setelah minta maaf, kami bertemu Bu Jane dan akhirnya minta maaf sama beliau. setelah itu ari bilang kalo dia mau pulang, nah di hati aku masih ada yang belum dikeluarin, karena ada sesuatu yang mau aku omongin, soalnya hari itu adalah hari terakhir sebelum UN, tapi berhubung dia udah mau pulang yaudah deh kuurungkan sejenak. gak lama afi manggil ari dan bilang ke ari aku mau ngomong, akhirnya kita omongin deh, tapi aku takuuuut bangeeeeet :( alhasil tangis sudah tak terbendung, aku nangis tanpa liat kiri kanan ada siapa aja, malu juga sih, hehehe. seusai kami berbicara, dia pun pulang, dan aku merasa legaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bangetttttt :) makasih banyak ya afi atas semua bantuan kamu. (terimakasih juga untuk ripeh, fitri, tika, dan medi atas dukungannyaa).

alhamdulillah hati jadi tenang bangeeeeeeeeeeeeet :) semoga aja hari itu adalah bahagia di kemudian hari :) amiiiiiiin ya rabb .